Trenton Trekkers

Teaching and loving through education

We believe in outdoor time and that is why UPT started the UrbanTrekkers program in Trenton. TrentonTrekkers is led by one of our employees and outdoor guy, Eric Martin. We are starting small, but we believe we have a unique opportunity to offer youth from Trenton a different perspective about the world around them.

Through travel to places beyond students’ everyday lives and a focus on cross-cultural experiences, historical perspectives, environmental awareness, and community service, students are motivated to learn from their TrentonTrekker journeys and carry that motivation into their studies.

See what we've been up to:


2020 Adventure Hike

Our TrentonTrekkers went for a hike in the hills high above Lambertville, NJ. Goat Hill Overlook was used by Revolutionary soldiers to spy on British and German troop movements

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Summer 2019

This summer over 40 StreetLeaders participated in the TrentonTrekkers program. The theme for the summer was water, and the students learned about different aquatic ecosystems

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Volunteers are an integral part of the success of the Trenton Trekkers program. There are many opportunities to work directly with the youth activities and the teams supporting our programs.  Whether you have a few hours or can volunteer each week, your help is invaluable to our success!

Reach a Child. Raise a Leader. Restore Community