AfterSchool Drop-In

Learn & Grow Aprende & Crece
Our FREE AfterSchool Drop-In Program is open from 3:00 pm-6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday, September 19th – June 5th.
Children in grades 1-8 are welcome to participate. We provide students with homework assistance, specialized tutoring, recreational time, enrichment opportunities, healthy snacks, and dinner.
We have two sites: 801 West State Street and 601 N Clinton Avenue.
We do not offer transportation at this time.
Nuestro programa extraescolar gratuito está abierto de 15:00 a 18:00, de lunes a jueves, del 19 de septiembre al 5 de junio.
Los niños en los grados 1-8 son bienvenidos a participar. Ofrecemos a los estudiantes ayuda con la tarea, tutoría especializada, tiempo recreativo, oportunidades de enriquecimiento, bocadillos saludables y cena.
Tenemos dos sitios: 801 West State Street y 601 N Clinton Avenue.
No ofrecemos transporte en este momento.

Register Here
Registrate Aqui
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on August 14, 2024. You can sign up using the link below.
La inscripción para el año escolar 2024-2025 se abrirá el 14 de agosto de 2024. Puedes inscribirte utilizando el siguiente enlace.
Volunteer & support
Would you like to volunteer at one of our AfterSchool Drop-In program locations? Please contact us and we will let you know what our students need and how you can help!
If you are a high school student living in Trenton and want to work at our AfterSchool Drop-In program, please check out our StreetLeader program for more info.

Make a donation
Your tax-deductible 501c donation goes a long way. The children have learned about everything from cooking to Irish dancing, from bucket drumming to soccer, and so much more. The need is great, and our goal is to inspire more bright smiles by expanding our program in the coming years to cover all four wards of Trenton.