Provide a child or youth with a bright future
Child Sponsorship
$75/month or $900/year
Child Sponsors are the backbone of UrbanPromise Trenton. Just $75 a month ($900/year) provides a Trenton child with a year of engaging and educational programming within a neighborhood-based AfterSchool Drop-In Program. Each year, these sponsorships allow the children to participate in activities that improve their academic performance, teach necessary life skills, establish positive relationships with caring adults, explore the arts, and nurture their faith.
Teen StreetLeader
$400/month or $4800/year
Through an innovative, hands-on approach to job training, the StreetLeader Program offers employment to Trenton teens throughout the school year. In addition to preparing StreetLeaders for the professional world, UrbanPromise offers academic enrichment and support, college preparation assistance, health and fitness classes, and community service activities.
Because of our Teen Sponsors, the StreetLeader Program has seen remarkable results: Over the past five years, 100% of our high school seniors have graduated from high school and many have gone on to college.