Giving Options

You can make a difference!

You may donate a gift in honor of a loved one’s birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. You can also remember those most dear to you by giving to UrbanPromise Trenton in their memory.

Note: UrbanPromise does not sell, rent, or exchange its donor lists or information collected in response forms.

For tax purposes, the UrbanPromise Trenton Tax ID is 81-1548363.

  • Make a cash, check, or credit card donation. Keep your gift receipt in case your workplace requires it. Most corporate matching programs allow you up to one year to request their match on your donation.
  • Check to see if your company matches employee donations.
  • Submit your matching request. Here are two ways:
    • Download your company’s matching gift verification form. Print, fill out, and mail it to us: UrbanPromise Trenton 801 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08618.
    • If your company provides a link to their intranet, use this information to log in and submit your matching gift request. It will be processed and sent to us.

Once we receive your form or online request, we’ll take care of the rest. Your company will send its matching donation directly to UrbanPromise Trenton. You’ll help at least two times as many people.

If you own an appreciated stock, it is more tax-wise to contribute the stock , rather than cash. A gift of appreciated stock generally offers a two-fold tax savings. First, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in value of stock. Second, you receive an income tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift.

Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. can be transferred to UrbanPromise Trenton. Check with your financial advisor, attorney, accountant, etc. to learn about the tax advantages. Please contact Eric Martin at (609) 566-4673 for assistance with a stock transfer.

Will you consider making a financial gift that will have an impact for decades to come?
There are planned gifts where you can receive an immediate charitable deduction, avoid capital gains taxation, and still receive income–all while ultimately helping UrbanPromise Trenton such as:

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Funds and Charitable Pooled Income Trusts

Life insurance policies, whether paid or by naming UrbanPromise Trenton as a beneficiary on a new policy, can be donated to us. Check with your financial advisors for tax advantages.

Naming UrbanPromise Trenton as a beneficiary of retirement assets (IRAs, 401(k)s, etc.) is another way to donate to us. Also a Qualified Charitable Distribution by a donor who is over 70 ½ can be an effective tax strategy.

An excellent way to provide for the future of UrbanPromise Trenton and leave a lasting legacy is to remember us in your will. You can leave your entire estate, a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar amount, or the residue. Check with your attorney for the specific wording.

Reach a Child. Raise a Leader. Restore Community