Summer 2019

This summer over 40 StreetLeaders participated in the TrentonTrekkers program. The theme for the summer was water, and the students learned about different aquatic ecosystems on four different field trips.  The first trip of the year also included our Jr. StreetLeaders, and we went to the SPLASH Steamboat located in Lambertville, NJ. On this trip, the students learned about the Delaware River and topics related to river ecology.

The second trip was to the Abbott Marshlands in Hamilton, NJ (right in our backyard!), where the students learned about the importance of marshes. Our third trip took us canoeing on the Delaware-Raritan Canal, which runs through Trenton; we learned about water safety and the canal. And to wrap up the summer, we headed to Cattus Island County Park for a beach trip. We learned about coastal ecology and had a cookout to celebrate the completion of the camps and summer employment program. It was a fun summer for everyone involved!